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[i] See the Chronicon Universale Anonymi Laudunensis (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Lat. 5011)) (and Staatsbibliothek, Berlin) and the Játvarðar Saga (Iceland)


[ii] See 'Rody szlacheckie Imperium Rosyjskiego pochodzace z Polski, Herbarz polsko-rosyjski Tom I' by J Ciechanowicz, pp. 577 - 586 (ISBN 8389968592)

[iii] See VL Yanin, 'Novgorodskie Posadniki' (Moscow State University, 1962; reprinted Moscow: Iazyki Russkoi kultury, 2003)

[iv] Historians dispute the origins of the House of Godwin. A combination of limited and sometimes unreliable documentary evidence, Norman and post-Norman propaganda, internal rivalries within the House of Wessex (in particular as between Alfred and his descendants and those of his elder brother and predecessor as King of Wessex, Aethelred I, from whose elder son, Aethelhelm (see below), the Godwins are said to be descended, founding their claim to the English throne) and vested interests.


The Godwin line of the House of Wessex: Aethelred I (grandson of Ecgberht and fourth son of Æthelwulf, was king of the West Saxons 865 – 871 and was married to Wulfthryth (regina)), Aethelhelm (? ealdorman of Wiltshire, died 898), Aethelfrith (ealdorman occ. 901 – 924), Eadric (ealdorman occ. 925 – 949), Aethelweard ‘the historian’ (ealdorman of the western provinces occ. 956 – 998), Aethelmaer Cild (ealdorman of the western provinces occ. 1005 – 15), Wulfnoth Cild (thegn of Sussex, occ. 1009, died in or before 1014), Godwin (earl of Wessex, died 1053), father of Harold II Godwinson. See A Anscombe and LW Barlow, table 3, p.21, ‘The Godwins, The Rise and Fall of a Noble Dynasty’ by Prof. F Barlow (2002), ISBN 9780582784406. Ecgberht (King of Wessex 802 - 839), was said to be descended from Cerdic ((the first) King of Wessex 519 - 534), who in turn was said to be the son of Elesa / Elasius, chief of the region.

[v] See the 41st Book (pp. 217-218v) of the Metrika of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, held in The Russian State Archive in Moscow, a copy of which is held on microfilm in the National Historical Archive of Belarus in Minsk

[vi] Friedhof Hietzing, Gr. 06, Nr. 13 (Kostrowicki, Samuel and Julie)

[vii] Friedhof Hietzing, Gr. 06, Nr. 12A (Elssler and Melanie Kostrowicka)

[viii] See 'The Flight of Eagles' by J Moczarski (ISBN 9798419335103)


[ix] See 'Początki państwowości i dynastii litewskiej według najnowszych badan' by J Puzyna. W: Nauka i Sztuka. R. 3, t. 6 (1947) - Eng: 'The Beginnings of Statehood and the Lithuanian Dynasty According to the Latest Research', an English translation can be found at App. II of 'A Man of Power and a Lioness of The Cross' by J Moczarski (ISBN 9798365862883)


[x] Record of the Sejm, r. 1585. Scriptores rerum polonicarum.  Vyd. A Czusczynski, r.18 Krakow, 1901, s.183


[xi] R Ragauskienė (the Institute of the History of Lithuania) the Earliest Registers of the Private Archives of the Nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in  the 16th Century - zapiskihistoryczne - tom lxxxi - rok 2016 zeszyt 1, p. 138


[xii] 'Urzednicy Wielkiego Kswiestwa Litewskiego, Spisy, Tom I, Wojewodstwo Wilenskie XIV - XVIII Wiek', Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 172. item 919. (Warszawa 2004)


[xiii] See 'Galia ir tradicija: Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės giminių istorijos' ('Power and tradition: the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Family History') by R Petrauskas (ISBN 978-9955-23-886-7), published by Baltos Lankos 2016), pp. 211 - 226

[xiv] See 'Poetry in the blood' by J Moczarski  (ISBN 9798365869288)


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